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A proposito del WIID

Il World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) è un'iniziativa pionieristica per affrontare alcune delle preoccupazioni più impegnative in materia di salute e benessere. Ci concentriamo sul miglioramento della qualità della vita delle persone affette da malattie incurabili, non rispondenti a trattamenti medici, sindromi psico-spirituali e loro effetti collaterali, ricercando e applicando strategie di guarigione energetica all'avanguardia.  Master Del Pe ha fondato WIID sulla base dei suoi 29 anni di esperienza e miracoli con il lavoro energetico, la guarigione, il life coaching e il mentoring nel corso suoi viaggi in oltre 100 paesi.


WIID applica la modalità innovativa BEwell Science con la guarigione energetica combinata ad esercizi biomeccanici, tecniche di respirazione e meditazioni di autoguarigione, assieme al life coaching e al mentoring per supportare, energizzare e potenziare in modo olistico la salute, la vitalità, le emozioni e il benessere mentale delle persone che soffrono di malattie incurabili e afflizioni di salute non facilmente risolvibili dalla medicina moderna o dalla psicologia.

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I nostri servizi

Il bisogno più urgente dei pazienti è la speranza; il successivo è l'energia per riportare la volontà di sopravvivere. Dove c'è volontà, c'è un modo per prolungare la vita e prosperare. WIID impiega una saggezza che può portare a miracoli.

- Master Del Pe

Fondatore del WIID, Autore e Chief Healing Specialists

WIID nel mondo

Master Del Pe e il suo team di specialisti curano malattie incurabili dal 1990.

29 Anni
308+ Città
71 Paesi
34.000+ Casi

Il nostro mondo sofferente oggi

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Storie WIID: ascolta il percorso di guarigione dei clienti

Energy Healing Saves a French Judge with COVID-19

Energy Healing Saves a French Judge with COVID-19

Energy Healing Saves a French Judge with COVID-19 Claire R., an Appeals Court Judge from France, says she won over her near-death with COVID-19 and recovered rapidly through the help of WIID's Energy Healing program. Having been turned away from over-loaded hospitals, she stayed alone without any help or medicine. From severe breathing difficulties, fever, aches, diarrhea and what she called a "violent experience of COVID", Claire was able to fully recover within a matter of only 5 days! She not only regained her health but became revitalized and rejuvenated. She is now inspired to keep improving her health and also to quit smoking! This research project by the World Institute for Incurable Diseases is spearheaded by its founder, Master Del Pe, who is a world expert in healing incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS and non-medical responder cases for over 29 years across more than 71 countries. Claire personally worked with WIID's certified senior specialist, Rega Stellar. Further case results from WIID’s COVID-19 project will be released soon. If you would like to enroll yourself or your loved ones for the COVID-19 healing program kindly contact Master Del Pe’s team at WIID is also offering a program to rapidly certify energy healing specialists for COVID-19, conducted online. If you would like to get certified to be a healing specialist for COVID-19 and be of service while also earning in this critical, challenging time please contact us at for a free consultation. #AlternativeMedicine #MindBodySpirit #PioneeringSpiritualWorks
Breakthrough Solutions for Chronic Sufferings

Breakthrough Solutions for Chronic Sufferings

Having migraine once in a while is a terrible experience for some. Experiencing insomnia for a few weeks feels like hell. If you have excruciating migraine, insomnia for years, severe depression, anxiety and a feeling of being lost plus you lose meaning in your life altogether, then this is an unsurpassed suffering for one person. When you have tried the best of modern medicine combined with all kinds of oriental, mystical solutions and yet your chronic sufferings bring you daily hell, you may feel like you would be better dead than be alive. Such is the condition Master Del Pe found in one of his clients from Belgium, Europe. The first session was done through online tele-healing. Because of the sudden relief from the chronic pain, Berenice decided that she would continue with Master Del Pe’s psycho-energetic healing solutions. She immediately decided to meet the Master Healer in person to have more formal in-person healing. So, she traveled to the Philippines and stayed for a few weeks at the MDP Village Resort of Master Del Pe. The MDP Village healing team continued the sessions resulting to miraculous results beyond the client’s expectations. After she went home, she continued a few more follow up sessions with Rega Stellar, Senior Healing Specialist, who made sure that Berenice regained back her life and sustained her improvements while adjusting back in her home. Master Del Pe concluded that the client had undergone a rare Psycho-Spiritual syndrome called the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’, a constellation of symptoms that even religious people and mystics like Mother Teresa and Saint John of the cross had experienced. Master Del Pe has founded the World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) as a platform to help people with unexplained chronic sufferings which do not respond to modern medicine and neither to a plethora of other solutions. #DarkNight #DNS #Depression #Anxiety #Burnout #ChronicFatigue #Migraine #Psychospiritual #Healing #Incurable #Disability #Breakthrough @DarkNightoftheSoul #masterdelpe #MDPVillage #Europe #Belgium #Brussels #Psychiatry #Counselling #LifeMentoring #EnergyHealing #WIID #NonMedicalResponder #NoDrugs #NaturalHealing #MotherTeresa #GoodNews #Victory #MentalIllness #MentalWellness #EmotionalWellness #Spiritual #SpiritualHealth #NewPandemic #Suffering #Testimony #LifeStory #Inspiration #Motivation
Beyond Prayers and Medicine: Energy Science of Dying with Dignity

Beyond Prayers and Medicine: Energy Science of Dying with Dignity

The World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID), with over 29 years of experience through its founder, Master Del Pe and his international team, gladly demonstrates the exemplary service of not only saving lives through WIID healing sciences, but also inspires the valuable service to help transition dying patients, so that they will exit this life with dignity and inner peace. The program of WIID does not end with the healing protocols. It continues until the grief of the survivors is also managed by the psycho-energetic protocols that rapidly heal sadness, stress and the feelings of defeat due to the loss of a loved one. WIID's Chief Healing Scientist, Master Del Pe, has a wide array of programs that cover many non-medical responders and difficult-to-cure disorders. He declares that healing does not always preserve physical life i.e. prolonging the physical existence of the body by removing diseases and their underlying causes. He believes that there is a time to heal a person who may be in a very bad health condition by clearing their aura and portals of consciousness to facilitate the person to move on and depart with a balanced energy and minimum toxic energy. Master Del Pe talks about this Energy Science of Dying as a philosophy in his seminar: 'Life After Death and the Nature of the Inner World' where he reveals the 3 stages of dying and the 3 stages of incarnation. He teaches his spiritual students and specialists to scan the energy centers called chakras in order to determine the imbalances of a person's health. he has also created healing protocols around this idea. Master Del Pe's healing science, geared towards the fight against HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses, such as COVID-19, is based on the integration of the best wisdom of the East and the best science from the West. His healing science is complementary to western medicine but can also stand on its own without medical intervention or psychological treatment needed, just like in situations of COVID-19 patients in isolation or quarantine who don't have access to medicine. Many symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 patients are unable to get medical help while being in self-isolation, and he proved through anecdotal evidence, that healing can be brought to these clients internationally through online healing protocols. This video is has shown a new dimension to healing COVID-19 cases by going beyond prayers and medicine and inspires people whose loved ones are about to pass on, that they can process their departing ones with a technique to clear the consciousness and energy field with healing in order for them to graduate in this life with peace and dignity. Master Del Pe claims that this healing protocol and ''exit strategy'' can be learned very quickly through his institute. - - This video is published in honor to Etta A., our 87 year old graduate of this life and an example for the many. - - #AlternatveMedicine #MindBodySpirit #DealingwithDeath coping mechanism for survivors the science of dying dying with dignity dying with grace death of a loved one death of a family member dealing with death how to handle loss how to handle grief overcome grief empowerment in dying energy science solutions life after death after life how to help a dying person how to support someone coping with loss healing for the soul blessing, prayer, medicine or healing can a healer help me
5 Types of Tears and 8 Types of Reactions to Grief
Online Healer Discovers Antidote to COVID-19

Online Healer Discovers Antidote to COVID-19

40 year old female from Barcelona, Spain had an endearing recovery from her constellation of COVID-19 symptoms while under self-isolation. She was able to improve and overcome respiratory issues, chest pains, diarrhea, body ache, loss of smell (anosmia) and loss of taste without any medical interventions, hospital visits or pharmaceutical drugs, through doing 10 sessions of WIID's tele-healing conducted by Master Del Pe and his team. This unprecedented result was even more empowering for her as she was able to release her anxieties, worries and crippling stresses about her father, who was also a critical COVID-19 patient in the ICU. The result of this tele-healing case demonstrated that WIID's specialized COVID-19 protocols have multi-arrayed benefits for both COVID-19 infected clients as well as their co-dependents. This research project by the World Institute for Incurable Diseases is spearheaded by its founder, Master Del Pe, who is a world expert in healing incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS and non-medical responder cases for over 29 years across more than 71 countries. Further case results from WIID’s COVID-19 project will be released soon. If you would like to enroll yourself or your loved ones for the COVID-19 healing program kindly contact Master Del Pe’s team at WIID is also offering a program to rapidly certify energy healing specialists for COVID-19, conducted online starting from April 14, 2020. If you would like to get certified to be a healing specialist for COVID-19 and be of service while also earning in this critical, challenging time, please contact us at for a free consultation. #AlternativeMedicine #IncurableDiseases #PioneeringSpiritualWorks
Healing Science vs COVID-19: Miraculous Healer Stops Virus in 6 Days

La strategia unica del WIID


Il nostro modello di maggior valore

I nostri clienti risparmiano denaro, tempo e fatica con la massima comodità ricevendo i nostri servizi di guarigione e un mentoring che cambia la vita nelle comodità di casa attraverso i nostri servizi online ben realizzati. I clienti in terapia intensiva non hanno bisogno di lasciare le loro stanze per godere dei nostri servizi di prima classe. Attualmente, il 90% delle nostre procedure di guarigione viene fornito senza problemi e senza sforzo tramite Internet, mentre il 10% di coloro che possono viaggiare si gode il nostro resort di guarigione internazionale presso l'MDP Village in Asia.


Gestione dell'energia

Applicazione delle specializzazioni di guarigione rivoluzionaria BEwell Science  per guarire rapidamente il passato dei clienti, trasformare gli squilibri presenti e programmare i passi successivi. L'intero protocollo è progettato per funzionare sia di persona che online per la massima portata e accessibilità.


Life coaching e mentoring

Approccio di life coaching e mentoring online o di persona per fornire ai clienti un piano di azione personalizzato per la gestione delle crisi, la risoluzione dei conflitti, il recupero, la rivitalizzazione, la costruzione del carattere e il cambiamento dello stile di vita per vivere una migliore qualità della vita.

Notepad on Desk

Istruzione/formazione continua

Un curriculum completo con strumenti di vita, strategie pratiche e saggezza progettate per aumentare la resistenza e la forza di volontà, guarire e calmare le emozioni, liberare e affinare la mente e risvegliare il potere dell'anima dei clienti non solo per sopravvivere ma per prosperare. Lavoriamo con la salute fisica, vitale, emotiva, mentale e spirituale del cliente per migliorare il quoziente di salute totale (THQ).

Reviewing Reports at Desk

Ricerche e aggiornamenti continui

Impegno a migliorare e convalidare i risultati attraverso i risultati basati sull'evidenza dei nostri clienti, mentre non vediamo l'ora di collaborare con le organizzazioni sanitarie per condurre studi clinici.


Il punto di svolta del WIID

Certificare professionisti per diventare formatori, specialisti e amministratori di programmi WIID mirati a servire punti focali di malattia a livello internazionale. La sede centrale del WIID dispone di servizi illimitati attraverso piattaforme online, mentre i nostri specialisti internazionali incontrano i propri clienti nei propri centri di guarigione autorizzati dal WIID.

Programmi WIID

  • HIV/AIDS Cancro e effetti collaterali della chemioterapia

  • Diabete e suoi effetti collaterali

  • Combinazione di depressione, ansia, burnout e disturbi del sonno

  • Multi-dipendenze, vizi e loro effetti collaterali

  • Paralisi e coma

  • Gravi squilibri ormonali e menopausa

  • Psicosi post-partum

  • Infertilità inspiegabile

  • Anoressia, bulimia e disturbi alimentari

  • ADD/ADHD e problemi di apprendimento

  • Longevità e anti-invecchiamento Alzheimer/demenza senile

  • Morbo di Parkinson

  • Asma

  • Enfisema

  • Schizofrenia

  • Pigrizia

  • Solitudine

  • Coscienza di povertà

  •  Violenza e comportamento criminale

  • Disturbi non rispondenti a trattamenti medici

  • Anomalie mediche o casi non diagnosticabili

  • Casi psico-spirituali

    • Notte oscura dell'anima

    • Vittime di magia nera, stregoneria, maledizioni o incantesimi

    • Possessioni spirituali

    • Sovrastimolazione delle risposte ormonali dovuta a pratiche spirituali

    • Sindrome del Risveglio Spirituale Accelerato


  • iscrivi/sponsorizza un partecipante

  • invita un relatore

  • sponsorizza una ricerca o un programma

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Filippine: +63.928.843.2802

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