About WIID
The World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) is a pioneering initiative to address some of the most challenging concerns in health and well-being. We focus on improving the quality of life of those affected by incurable diseases, non-medical responders, psycho-spiritual syndromes and their side-effects by researching and applying pioneering energy healing strategies. Master Del Pe founded WIID based on his 33 years of experience and miracles with energy work, healing, life-coaching and mentoring in his travels to over 100 countries.
WIID applies the breakthrough modality of BEwell Science with energy healing, bio-mechanical exercises, breathing techniques and self-healing meditations, combined with life-coaching and mentoring to holistically support, energize and empower the health, vitality, emotions and mental wellness of people suffering from incurable diseases and health afflictions that are not easily solved by modern medicine or psychology.

Our Services
"The most urgent need of patients is hope; the next is energy to bring back the will-to-survive. Where there is a will, there is a way to prolong life and thrive. WIID employs wisdom which can result to miracles."
- Master Del Pe
Founder of WIID, Author and Chief Healing Specialist

WIID Around the World
Master Del Pe and his team of specialists have been healing incurable diseases since 1990.
33 Years
308+ Cities
71 Countries
34,000+ Cases
Our Suffering World Today
Suffer No More!
WIID Solutions Can Help Fast!
WIID Stories: Listen to Clients' Healing Journey
WIID's Unique Strategy

Our Highest Value Model
Our clients save money, time and effort with maximum convenience by receiving our healing services and life-changing mentoring from the comfort of their beds and homes through our well-crafted online services. Clients with critical care need not leave their rooms to enjoy our world-class services. Currently, 90% of our healing procedures are delivered seamlessly and effortlessly through the internet while 10% who can travel enjoy our international healing resort at MDP Village in Asia.

Energy Management
Application of the breakthrough healing specializations under BEwell Science to rapidly heal the past of the clients, transform their present imbalances and program their next steps. The whole protocol is designed to work both in-person and online for maximum reach and accessibility.

Life Coaching and Mentoring
Online or in-person life coaching and mentoring approach to equip the clients with a personalized game plan for crisis management, conflict resolution, recovery, revitalization, character building and lifestyle change to live a better quality of life.

Continuing Education/Training
A comprehensive curriculum with life-tools, practical strategies and wisdom designed to boost stamina and will-power, heal and calm the emotions, clear and sharpen the mind, and awaken the power of the soul of the clients to not only survive but thrive. We work with the client’s physical, vitality, emotional, mental and spiritual health to improve the Total Health Quotient (THQ).

Ongoing Research and Evaluations
Commitment to improve and validate outcomes through evidence-based results of our clients, while looking forward to collaborate with health organizations to do clinical studies.

WIID's Game Changer and Multipliers
Certifying professionals to become trainers, specialists and administrators of WIID programs targetted to serve disease hot spots internationally. WIID’s headquarters has unlimited scale-up services through online plaforms, while our international specialists meet their clients in their own healing centers licensed by WIID.
WIID Programs
HIV/AIDS Cancer & Chemotherapy Side-Effects
Diabetes & its Side-Effects
Depresion, Anxiety, Burnout & Sleep Disorder Combination
Multi-Addictions, Vices & their Side-Effects
Paralysis & Coma
Severe Hormonal Imbalances & Menopause
Post-Partum Psychosis
Unexplained Infertility
Anorexia, Bulimia & Eating Disorders
ADD/ADHD & Learning Issues
Longevity & Anti-aging Alzheimer’s/Senile Decay
Parkinson’s Disease
Poverty Consciousness Violence & Criminal Behavior
Non-Medical Responders
Medical Anomalies or Undiagnosable Cases
Psycho-Spiritual Cases
Dark Night of the Soul
Victims of Black Magic, Sorcery, Curses or Spells
Spiritual Possessions
Overstimulation of Hormonal Responses due to Spiritual Practices
Accelerated Spiritual Awakening Syndrome
Contact Us
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Invite a speaker
Sponsor a research or program